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Date posted Joining Date Rank Ship type Contract Trading area Qualifications - experience
MAY-JUL 2024 CPT, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, ETO LPG / LNG / CHEM / CRUDE / BULK / CONT Various Worldwide

LPG: CPT, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E vacancies for LPG tankers. Joining dates through out MAY-JUL 2024.
LNG: CPT vacancies for LNG tankers. Joining dates through out MAY-JUL 2024.
CHEMICAL: CPT,C/O, ETO vacancies for chemical tankers. Joining dates through out MAY-JUL 2024.
CRUDE OIL: CPT,2/E vacancies for crude oil tankers. Joining dates through out MAY-JUL 2024.
BULK: CPT, C/O, 2/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E vacancies for bulk carriers. Joining dates through out MAY-JUL 2024.
CONTAINER: CPT, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E vacancies for container vessels. Joining dates through out MAY-JUL 2024.
Contact us for salary rates and any additional details.

mid MAY 2024 CPT, 2/O DPO, C/E, ETO OSV/DSV, ORANGE JUICE TANKER Various Various

OSV/DSV DP2: Master DPO, 2nd Officer DPO, Ch. Engineer, ETO, start mid MAY 2024, duration 60 days. New built vessel 2024, working in Angola. Engine candidate should have offshore experience and holding DP maintenance training certificate. Deck candidate should have relevant experience in working on same or similar vessel type, holding DP unlimited certificate.

ORANGE JUICE TANKER: Ch. Engineer, start 23 MAY 2024, duration 4 months. Candidate should have relevant experience on MAN ME-B engine, working on same or similar vessel type (tanker, reefer).

Contact us for further details.

Various CPT, C/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, ETO, GAS ENG CHEM/OIL, LPG, LNG, BULK, CONTAINER Various Various

CHEMICAL/OIL: C/O, 3/O for chemical/oil tankers. Joining dates through out APR-MAY 2024.
LPG: CPT, C/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 4/E, GAS ENG for LPG tankers. Joining dates through out APR-JUN 2024.
LNG: 2/E for LNG tankers. Joining date 08 MAY 2024.
BULK: CPT, C/O, C/E, 2/E, ETO for bulk carriers. Joining dates through out APR-JUN 2024.
CONTAINER: CPT, C/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E for container vessels. Joining dates through out APR. - JUN. 2024.
Contact us for salary rates and additional details.

Various C/O, 2/O DPO, C/E, 2/E, ETO, BSN, AB, COOK, CAMPBOSS, STWD SOV / HEAVY LIFT Various Various

SOV DP2: 2nd Off SDPO, 2nd Off JDPO, 2nd Engineer, ETO, Bosun, AB, Steward, Cook, Campboss start MAY-JUN 2024, duration 8 weeks. Candidate should have relevant experience in working on same or similar vessel type.

HEAVY LIFT: Ch. Officer, Ch. Engineer, 2nd engineer start APR-MAY 2024, duration 3/4 months. Requirements: candidates with container / tanker experience.

Contact us for further details.

Various CPT, C/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, ETO, GAS/E CHEM-OIL, LPG, HEAVY LOAD Various Various

CHEM-OIL: C/O, 3/O, C/E and ETO for Chemical-Oil tankers. Joining dates APR-JUN 2024.
LPG: CPT, C/O, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E and GAS/E for LPG tankers. Joining dates APR-JUN 2024.
HEAVY LOAD: C/E and 2/Efor Heavy Load vessel. Joining dates 10-12 APR. 2024.
Contact us for salary rates and additional details.

Various 2/O SDPO, 3/O JDPO, 2/E, ETO, BSN, AB, COOK, STWD SOV (Service Operation Vessel) Various Various

SOV DP2: 2nd Off SDPO, 2nd Eng, 2xETO, BOSUN, AB. Starts beg MAY - mid JUN 2024, duration 6 weeks. Requirements: 2/E + ETO(with diesel-electric experience and holding DP maintenance training certificate), BOSUN(with crane operator experience and ideally also gangway experience), AB(holding uptime operator certificate and crane operator certificate), 2/O SPDO(holding Dp unlimited certificate, with SOV, W2W experience).

SOV DP2: 3rd Off JDPO,  AB, Night Cook, Night Steward. Starts 3/O JDPO(11 APR 2024), the rest starts MAY 2024. Candidates should have relevant experience in working on same or similar vessel type.

Contact us for further details.

Various 2/O SDPO, DPO, 2/E, ETO, BSN, AB IGSV / SOV DP2 Various Various

IGSV DP2: 2nd Off SDPO, 2xDPO, BOSUN, start beg-mid APR 2024, duration 8 weeks. Candidate should have relevant experience in working on same or similar vessel type.

SOV DP2: 2nd Off SDPO, 2nd Eng, ETO, Bosun, start MAY-JUN 2024, Electrician start 24/04, duration 6 weeks. Engine candidate should have diesel-electric experience and holding DP maintenance training certificate. Deck candidate should have relevant experience in working on same or similar vessel type.

Contact us for further details.

01. APR. 2024 CPT, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, G/E, ETO, E/CDT LPG 4 months +/-1 (Senior) // 5 months +/-4 (juionrs)

LPG: CPT, C/O, 2/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, GAS ENG, ETO, ENG CDT for LPG tankers. Joining date 01. APRIL 2024. Contract 4 months +/-1 (Senior),  5 months +/-4 (Juniors). Requirements: LPG exp mandatory. Contact us for further details.

29 MAR 2024 2/E, 3/E, AB Cable Layer Vessel (CLV) 5 weeks Germany

NEW JOB:  2nd Enginer, 3rd Engineer and AB for Cable Laying Vessel DP2. Joining 29 March 2024, work area: Germany. Contract: around 5 weeks. Requirements: BOSIET, CA-EBS OPITO approved; GWO boat transfer or GWP sea survival, experience in rank on cable lay vessels is beneficial. Contact us for further details.

Various CPT, C/O, 3/O, 2/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, ETO LNG, LPG, CHEM, VLCC, CONTAINER Various Worldwide

CHEMICAL: CPT, 3/O, 2/E and 3/E for Chemical tankers. Joining dates APR 2024.
VLCC: C/O, 3/E and ETO for VLCC tankers. Joining dates through out MAR - APR 2024.
LPG: CPT, C/O, C/E and 4/E for LPG tankers. Joining dates through out FEB - MAR 2024.
LNG: 2/O and 3/O LNG tankers. Joining dates ASAP.
CONTAINER: C/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E and ETO for CONTAINER vessels. Joining dates FEB - APR 2024.
Contact us for salary rates and additional details

If you are interested, notify your availability as soon as possible.



We occasionally have vacancies for the following positions:

On Offshore ships:

  • Master for MPSV, PSV, AHT, AHTS, Seismic with DP certification
  • Chief Engineers for MPSV, PSV, AHT, AHTS, Seismic
  • Chief Engineers and Captains for FSIV (crewboats)
  • Chief Mates for MPSV, PSV, AHT, AHTS, Seismic with DP Certification
  • 2nd Engineers with Offshore experience
  • 2nd Mates with DP Licences
  • 3rd Engineers preferably with the offshore experience
  • Electricians / ETO
  • Deck Foremen for maintenance and light subsea intervention vessels
  • Crane Operators with offshore experience and Sparrow 2, 3 certificates

On Chemical, Crude Oil and Product Tankers:

  • Master 3000 GT or more
  • Chief Mate 3000 GT or more
  • 2nd and 3rd Mates
  • Chief Engineers 3000 KW or more
  • 2nd Engineers 3000 KW or more
  • 3rd and 4th Engineers
  • Electricians

On Bulk Carriers and Containers:

  • Master 3000 GT or more
  • Chief Mate 3000 GT or more
  • 2nd and 3rd Mates
  • Chief Engineers 3000 KW or more
  • 2nd Engineers 3000 KW or more
  •  3rd and 4th Engineers
  • Electricians / ETO