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Date posted Joining Date Rank Ship type Contract Trading area Qualifications - experience
MAR - APR 2024 C/E, 2/E, 4/E Heavy lift / MPP Various TBC

HEAVY LIFT / MPP: 2/E upon takeover, ready for joining in March, 4/E middle of April 2024.
HEAVY LIFT / MPP: C/E upon takeover, ready for joining in March, 2/E end of April 2024.
Contract duration for C/E is 3 +/- 1 mth, 2/E is 4 +/-1 mth, 4/E is 4 +/- 1 mth.
Crew from Container or Tanker vessels are fine as well, they just require a longer handover. Contact us for further details.

07 FEB 2024 1st Mate DPO Subsea rock installation vessel 5 weeks North Sea

1st MATE DPO for Subsea Rock Installation Vessel. Start: 07/FEB/2024, area: North Sea, contract duration: 5 weeks. Requirements: experience on subsea rock installation vessels, DP unlimited, BOSIET with CA-EBS, Fast Rescue Boats cert. and GWO sea survival – can be arranged. Contact us for salary and further details.


26 FEB 2023 3/E Offshore Installation Vessel TBC UK

NEW JOB:  3rd Engineer for Offhsore Installation Vessel. Joining 26 Februaray 2024, work area: UK. Requirements: eligible to work in UK waters, experience in offshore, BOSIET, GWO work at heights (can be arranged). Contact us for further details.

FEB 2024 C/E, 2/E Orange juice tanker / Oil-chemical tanker Various Various

JUICE TANKER: 2nd Engineer for Orange Juice Tanker. Contract; 4 months. Joining date 01.FEB 2024 in Rotterdam. Requirements: relevant experience, particularly on board tankers or reefers.
OIL/CHEMICAL: Ch. Engineer and 2nd Engineer  for Oil/Chemical Tanker. Contract; 8 weeks. Joining date FEB.2024. Requirements: relevant exp. on oil/chem tankers. Contact us for salary and further details.

Various CPT, C/O, 3/E IGSV / SOV DP2 Various Various

SOV: Master for SOV DP2. Contract; 4-6 weeks. Joining date end JAN 2024. Requirements: relevant prior experience, particularly on board highly automated offshore ship with a diesel-electric powerplant.
IGSV: Ch. Officer  for IGSV DP2. Contract; 8-8 weeks. Joining date ASAP. Requirements: subsea exp. + DP Unlimited.
IGSV: 3rd Engineer for IGSV DP2. Contract; 8-8 weeks. Joining date FEB. 2024. Requirements: offshore exp. Contact us for salary and further details.

11-13 DEC 2023 C/O, 2/O PSV DP2 4/4 weeks North Sea

NEW JOB: Ch. Officer DPO and 2nd Officer DPO for PSV DP 2, area of work – North Sea, rotation – 4 weeks on/off, joining – 11-13 December 2023. Requirements: full DP Unlimited, PSV exp and North Sea exp. Contact us for salary or further information.


Various CPT, C/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 3/E, 4/E, ETO LNG, LPG, CHEM, OIL/CHEM Various Worldwide

CHEMICAL: 2/E and 3/O for Chemical tankers. Joining dates ASAP.
OIL/CHEMICAL: C/E and ETO for Oil/Chemical tankers. Joining dates through out JAN - APR 2024.
LPG: CPT, C/O, 3/O, 2/E, 4/E and ETO for LPG tankers. Joining dates through out NOV 2023 - FEB 2024.
LNG: C/O, C/E, 2/E and 3/E LNG tankers. Joining dates through out NOV. 2023 - JAN. 2024.
Contact us for salary rates and additional details.

JAN.2024 1/E Semi-submersible accommodation 6/6 weeks Brazil

NEW JOB: 1st Engineer for semi-submersible accommodation unit DP 3, area of work – Brazil, rotation – 6 weeks on/6 weeks off, permanent contract for 1 year with extension possibility (project is confirmed for 4 years), joining – End of January. Contact us for salary or further information.


OCT / NOV 2023 2/E, 2/O Dredger 5 weeks Worldwide

Required 2nd Engineer and 2nd Officer for a SUCTION DREDGER. 2nd ENG start 25/10/23, 2nd OFF start 29/11/23, duration 5 weeks. Area: Singapore from October till December. After that working in the UAE. Experience on the same or similar type of the vessel is preferable. Day rate is negotiable.

Various CPT, C/O, 3/O, C/E, 2/E, 4/E, ETO CHEM, OIL/CHEM, VLCC, CRUDE OIL Various (3, 4 and 5 months) Various

CHEMICAL: C/O and 3/O for Chemical tankers. Joining dates through out SEP-NOV 2023.
OIL/CHEMICAL: C/O, 3/O, 4/E and ETO for Oil/Chemical tankers. Joining dates through out SEP-NOV 2023.
CRUDE OIL: CPT and C/E for Crude Oil tankers. Joining dates through out OCT-NOV 2023.
VLCC: C/O, 2/E and 4/E VLCC tankers. Joining dates through out OCT-NOV 2023.
Contact us for salary rates and additional details.

If you are interested, notify your availability as soon as possible.



We occasionally have vacancies for the following positions:

On Offshore ships:

  • Master for MPSV, PSV, AHT, AHTS, Seismic with DP certification
  • Chief Engineers for MPSV, PSV, AHT, AHTS, Seismic
  • Chief Engineers and Captains for FSIV (crewboats)
  • Chief Mates for MPSV, PSV, AHT, AHTS, Seismic with DP Certification
  • 2nd Engineers with Offshore experience
  • 2nd Mates with DP Licences
  • 3rd Engineers preferably with the offshore experience
  • Electricians / ETO
  • Deck Foremen for maintenance and light subsea intervention vessels
  • Crane Operators with offshore experience and Sparrow 2, 3 certificates

On Chemical, Crude Oil and Product Tankers:

  • Master 3000 GT or more
  • Chief Mate 3000 GT or more
  • 2nd and 3rd Mates
  • Chief Engineers 3000 KW or more
  • 2nd Engineers 3000 KW or more
  • 3rd and 4th Engineers
  • Electricians

On Bulk Carriers and Containers:

  • Master 3000 GT or more
  • Chief Mate 3000 GT or more
  • 2nd and 3rd Mates
  • Chief Engineers 3000 KW or more
  • 2nd Engineers 3000 KW or more
  •  3rd and 4th Engineers
  • Electricians / ETO